aa2888.com | បើកអាខោន Free | កំសាន្តដោយទំនុកចិត្ត សេវាអតិថិជន24h | aa2888HelpCenter.com | aa2888 | aa2888 help center | aa2888 Cambodia 2024-04-20 00:45:25 Sports2 - Soccer - Due to incorrect score (VAR Check) in running ball on match between "Krasnodar FC -vs- Fakel Voronezh" [Russia - Premiere League - 04/19]. All bets placed on score [2-0] from​ 00:35:49 to 00:37:09 are considered REFUNDED. The actual scoreline was [1-0]. Kindly please check your statement again. We apologize for the inconveniences caused 2024-04-20 00:14:02 Sports2 & Sports4 - Soccer - Due to incorrect score (VAR Check) in running ball on match between "Nurnberg -vs- SC Paderborn " [Germany - 2.Bundesliga - 04/19]. All bets placed on score [1-1] from​ 00:02:12 to 00:02:45 are considered REFUNDED. The actual scoreline was [0-1]. Kindly please check your statement again. We apologize for the inconveniences caused 2024-04-19 23:42:26 Sports3 - Soccer - Due to incorrect score in running ball on match between ''SKU Amstetten -vs- Sturm Graz II" [AUSTRIA 2ND LEAGUE - 04/19]. All bets placed on score [0-0] from​ 23:32:23 to 23:36:34 are considered REFUNDED. The actual scoreline was [0-1]. Kindly please check your statement again. We apologize for the inconveniences caused 2024-04-19 23:31:00 Sports4 - Soccer - Due to incorrect Home team name on match between ''FK Tukums 2000 II -vs- AFA Olaine" [LATVIA 1ST LIGA - 04/19]. All bets taken are considered REFUNDED. The actual home team is "FK Tukums 2000 II/TSS". Parlay counted as one (1). We apologize for the inconveniences caused 2024-04-19 22:49:35 Sports4 - E-Football - Due to game progress was interrupted on match between "e-Poland -vs- e-Italy" [E-FOOTBALL F23 INTERNATIONAL FRIENDLY - 04/19]. All bets taken are considered REFUNDED. Parlay counted as one (1). Thank you! 2024-04-18 23:27:01 Sport4 -Basketball -The match between "e-Washington Wizards -vs- e-LA Clippers" [E-BASKETBALL 2K24 CLUB FRIENDLY (4X12 MINS) -04/18] has been cancelled. All bets taken are considered REFUNDED. Parlay counted as one (1). Thank you! 2024-04-18 23:24:33 Sport4 -Basketball -Due to game progress was interrupted on match between "e-Chicago Bulls -vs- e-Philadelphia 76ers) [E-BASKETBALL 2K24 CLUB FRIENDLY (4X12 MINS) -04/18]. All bets taken are considered REFUNDED(Except 1st half). Parlay counted as one (1). Thank you! 2024-04-18 17:34:40 Sports4 - E-Football - Due to game progress was interrupted on match between "e-Everton -vs- e-Atletico Madrid" [e-Football F23 Elite Club Friendly - 04/18]. All bets taken are considered REFUNDED. Parlay counted as one (1). Thank you! 2024-04-18 17:05:16 Sports4 - E-Football - Due to game progress was interrupted on match between "e-Inter Milan -vs- e-RB Leipzig" [e-Football F23 Elite Club Friendly - 04/18]. All bets taken are considered REFUNDED. Parlay counted as one (1). Thank you! 2024-04-18 09:12:44 Sports4 - E-Football - Due to game progress was interrupted on match between "e-Argentina -vs- e-Germany" [e-Football F23 International Friendly - 04/17]. All bets taken are considered REFUNDED(Except 1st half). Parlay counted as one (1). Thank you!

អ៊ីរ៉ង់​ស៊ុតវែល ២គ្រាប់​នៅ​ចុង​តង់ ក្រោយ​ប្រទាញប្រទង់​គ្នា​អស់​ ៩៩នាទី

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Iran ​ឈ្នះ​ក្រុម​ជម្រើស​ជាតិ​ Wales ដែល​មាន​កីឡាករ ១០នាក់ ក្នុង​លទ្ធផល ២ ទល់​នឹង ០ ខណៈ​បាល់​ទាំង​ ២គ្រាប់​នេះ​សុទ្ធ​តែ​ជា​បាល់​ចុង​តង់ និង​ស៊ុត​ដោយ​ខ្សែ​ការពារ​ទាំង​ ២ ។ក្រុម​ជម្រើស​ជាតិ​ទាំង​ពីរ​នេះ​ប្រទាញប្រទង់​ក្នុង​លទ្ធផល ០ ទល់​នឹង ០ អស់​រយៈ​ពេល​ ៩៩នាទី (ដោយ​ថែម​ម៉ោង ៩នាទី​ពី​លើ​ការ​ប្រកួត ៩០នាទី)។ លុះ​នៅ​នាទី​ ៩០+៨ ខ្សែ​ការពារ​ Iran  Rouzbeh Cheshmi បាន​ស៊ុត​បំប៉ោង​សំណាញ់ទី​ ចេញ​ពី​ក្រៅ​ប្រអប់​គ្រោះថ្នាក់។



ក្រោយ​មក​ ក្រុម​វេល​ក៏​ព្យាយាម​ស្រវេស្រវ៉ា​ប្រដេញ​តាម​ស្មើ ស្រាប់​តែ​ខ្សែ​ការពារ​ Iran ​លេង​ស្រុះ​គ្នា​ល្អ ដោយ​តែត​បាល់​ចេញ ហើយ​អូស​ដាច់​ខ្សែ​ការពារ​របស់ Wales ហើយ​ក៏​បញ្ជូន​ឱ្យ​កីឡាករ Ramin Rezaeian បញ្ចូល​ទី​គ្រាប់​ទី ២ បាន​យ៉ាង​ងាយ​ស្រួល។ ប្រសិន​បើ​យើង​មើល​ស្ថិតិ ក្រុម​វេល​គ្រប់គ្រង​បាល់​ច្រើន​ជាង​ Iran ប៉ុន្តែ​ជា​អកុសល អ្នកចាំទី​វេល Hennessey។ យ៉ាងណាមិញ Iran ​ស៊ុត​ Wales ២១ជើង និង​ត្រូវ​គោលដៅ ៣ដង ខណៈ​វេល​ស៊ុត​បាន​តែ ១០ជើង​ ជាមួយ​នឹង​ការ​ចំ​គោលដៅ​តែ ៣ដង​ប៉ុណ្ណោះ៕


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